Saturday, March 25, 2006

So maybe I'm late, but now I'm getting a little used to the myspace thing. My page is pretty ok, I wonder if I'm gonna keep it up. In addition to that, there are rumors about a shutdown. For now, check out my page!!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Heard a Rakim record today. You f*ggots couldn't catch him after the resurrection!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

This week we mourn the passing of one of my dear brothers, Lumumba "Professor X" Carson. I like to say I brought Lumumba into the business. I remember those days in Brownsville he wouldn't let up on calling me 'til I answered. I remember him holding down Stet before he put out his first record. I remember puttiing his name in my records. In the last of his years, we strayed apart like friends sometimes do. We talked but not often, although our words were always kind and thoughtful. I'm gonna miss my friend, who I claim made "The Blackest Record Ever". X-Clan tossed Stet, BDP, PE, and the Stop The Violence Movement in ONE record. LUMUMBA! To the crossroads! And then...............

Monday, February 27, 2006

While in Vegas the past week, I ran into some Hip-Hop legends. Melle Mel, Cool Herc, Sha-Rock, Grandmaster Caz, & Busy Bee. They were promoting a clothing line with their images and stuff. Funny how displaced we all seem sometimes. I do think the tribute payed to rockers like the Stones should be payed to Mel & Herc on our side. How we get to that point is the real question.

Monday, February 13, 2006

For some reason, I'm gonna keep a clear eye on rap/rock relations this week.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I did an intro to an album for a group I manage yesterday. Full-on, Daddy-O voice and all. It was so much fun, and the mic was so dope. Being on the mic, there's no other feeling like it. Wow.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Backround vocals in rap. Really an oxymoron. Its something that only happened due to recorded music. The thought of doubling your own vocals is really a sell-out mechanism.
Rap is outta control. That old EPMD song got me thinking, after hearing about a member of Busta Rhymes crew getting shot to death. What is it that now makes this music form seemingly a magnet for violence? I personally don't think its the music per se, but the present attitude of young people in the entertainment (mostly music) business. You would think, after a direct onslaught of everything from payola to police brutality, things wouldn't be so violent internally. Hip-Hop has a stomach virus.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

So I'm trying to decipher how to digest this rapper "beef". The Camron' joint, the new 50 joint, etc. The real question for me is, are these guys that good, or is the public too good to them? Just note: not a lot of research being done by fans nowadays.

Friday, February 03, 2006

It would be interesting to ask the general public, if they think Hip-Hop is in a state of emergency. Some years ago it was common talk. It seemed to change when the big soundscan numbers started.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Two things about working again. One, its good to be doing it again. There's nothing like the certainy of steady pay. Two, and a big two is the surprise of fatigue. I've been keeping fairly long hours to get adjusted, and although waking hasn't been difficult, I have been beat. I know a good deal of it is mental, listening and positioning music all day, and I'll balance it out eventually. For now I just work.

Monday, January 23, 2006

A buddy of mine wants to start a record label called "Classic Universal" headlining classic rap acts. I'm with him for the most part, I even came up with the name for the label. The challenge, is twofold. Hailing at number one is financing. His vision is to get that from overseas. Hailing at number two is getting solid (let's put hit on hold for right now) records from rappers in their late 30's and 40's. I come from a school of thought where nothing is impossible. The problem with dreamers is that we're hardly practical.
Anybody for a new Whodini record?

Saturday, January 21, 2006

So what do I do with the people that had "nuttin" for me when I been calling for two years, but now that I'm in position wanna bring me stuff?

Friday, January 20, 2006

Most of the time, veteran MC's like myself feel the "pull" of seniority. Its a strange-ish feeling, knowing your place as a King, and often, not being able to perform as one. This is the point (boy this one is getting shrink-ish!) where we need to take inventory. The life we all live today is a product of the choices and decisions we made yesterday. Better to admit it and move on, than to hold on to past success (and failure). People make mistakes, its just that some are worse than others. It may take a while, but if there's any chance for old school making a "comeback" so to speak, we need an attitude adjustment. (why'd I get so deep?)
Voiceover was the best I've done thus far. The big news is I got hired yesterday. I am the A&R rep. for Kedar Entertainment. God is so good. And this is a good place for me. Its like starting all over again.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

So on my way to do a voiceover interview today, my agent called. I've been dealing with this voiceover agents for like 6 months, haven't landed anything yet but the way I'm feeling these days I may even end up in the blessed commercial!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Its hella cool when your Pastor shouts you out from the pulpit.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Was up at Bad Boy yesterday, interesting when I visit record companies. Good and bad I guess. On one level, I'm a big fan of progress. On the other hand, not always a fan of what people deem progressive. My meetings were good though, thank God. Glad he's lookin' out.

Friday, January 13, 2006

OK. Here it is, Dipset are MC's. My reasoning? One of the distinct qualities of an MC is that if you're copied, people recognize someone is biting your style. These guys have done what more people in rap should do. Homework necessary. Purple dew rag not included.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Been thinking about acting lately. Not so much because of other rappers, but because of acting itself. There is, however, something in my psyche that sees the phony in it, and that scares me. Entertaining other people is cool. Movies are cool (mostly) and so is TV sometimes. But I don't want to sell out for a role, and you never know with Hollywood, if I make it that far.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So I'm sitting with some pals of mine and we came up with a show (tv) called" The making of Stetsasonic international", a 7 country search for the next Hip-Hop band. Here we go.
So I'm sitting with some pals of mine and we came up with a show (tv) called" The making of Stetsasonic international", a 7 country search for the next Hip-Hop band. Here we go.
So I'm sitting with some pals of mine and we came up with a show (tv) called" The making of Stetsasonic international", a 7 country search for the next Hip-Hop band. Here we go.
The magic of technology! My friend brought me over this USB keyboard yesterday to use with Garageband. I can't even explain the heat, but you'll hear it on the radio. Its amazing how long it took me to get into composing music digitally. Kinda reminds me of how I had my MPC for two years before using the sequencer. Guess it took the folks at Apple to make me happy. Sorry, I usually say all the tech stuff in my other blog. Guess my worlds are coming together.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

As far as the music industry is concerned, traditional methodology is all but gone. I absolutely love the fact that the model is changing damn near by the moment. Distribution heads the list. Promotion not far behind. It happens to be something I not only anticipated, but welcome. Its not the 2006 of flying cars we imagined as children, but black wax has surely taken a bow to blackberry.

Monday, January 09, 2006

2nd week of the new year, feeling kinda good about possibilities. Chatted it up with Kid Rock yesterday, cool ass dude. Said he's rehearsing for an up and coming tour.Can't wait for the NY show, that'll be a real treat.

Friday, January 06, 2006

So its 2006 and I plan to be more frequent with this blog, the operative word being "plan". Just to pick up where I left off last time, the show with Kane was brilliant. He's a true pro. I'm rapping a bit more these days, and I'm still dreaming HARD about a new Stet record. By the way, this message is being typed from my Blackberry for the 1st time.